art and Health


Through my personal health struggles I understood that those of us, who have had extreme experiences with pain, trauma, deteriorating health. Develop the ability to cultivate images of hope through art that manifest during extreme events in our lives. These images and the stories that accompany them have the power to inspire people into miraculous feats of strength and resilience. These fighters have an integral part to play in building a bridge between science and art.

The educators depiction of his journey with Crohns Disease.

The educators depiction of his journey with Crohns Disease.

Art and the Imagination?

As far back as I can remember it was my imagination, which was responsible
for making my life one of high adventure. For good, and for ill it evoked a sense of
wonderin the smallest of details, brought me into the nature of things, to near death
and to an understanding of the beauty of life. Leading me straight to the question
that drives me to this day “who am I”?


We believe each time a person stands up for an ideal or acts to improve the lot of others or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope, and crossing each other from a million different centres of energy and daring those ripples build a current which can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance.

In short our programs are created to engender hope in the hopeless, courage in the fearful, distinctiveness in uniformity, and to transform adversity into a well of strength one can draw from throughout their lifetime.